What Causes Child Abuse to Happen?

There is no simple answer. Many factors are involved.

Child abuse has a chance of occurring if:


1. There is little or no parenting knowledge

2. Parents are socially isolated

3. Parents see the child as special or different

4. There is drugs or alcohol use in the home

5. Parents were abused as children

6. Parents have emotional needs that are not addressed

7. A number of crises in the home

8. The use of violence or force is accepted as a problem solving method.




Who Are Reporters

We all share the responsibility to help keep children safe as we take steps to prevent child abuse from happening in the first place.


It is important for everyone to know the signs of child abuse and how to report it.

Reporting suspected child abuse is the first and foremost responsible action one can do to stop child abuse.

Anyone that suspects child abuse is ethically obligated to report the abuse.

Your reporting is confidential.


Additional Resources

National Child Abuse Hotline: 24/7 800-422-4453

National Domestic Violence Hotline 24/7 800-799-4673

National Sexual Assault  Hotline 24/7 1-800-656-4673

National Suicide Prevention Hotline 24/7 1-800-273-8255

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services 24/7 1-800-622-4357


You may always call your local Child Protective Service for Children to report any type of child abuse.

Statistics on Child Abuse

1. At least 1 in 7 children in the U.S. had experienced child abuse.

2. Neglect is the most common form of child abuse followed by physical abuse, sexual abuse and emotional abuse.

3. In 2018 about 16% of abused children experienced more than one kind of  abuse.

4. Boys and girls experience similar rates of childhood abuse (48.6% to 51% respectively.

5. Children younger than one year old are most at risk for child abuse, accounting for almost half of child fatalities based a 2018 study.

6. In 2018 76% of child abuse perpetrators were parents to their victim.

7. Based on a 2018 study 62% of children placed in foster care were removed from their homes due to abusive neglect, totaling over 160.000 children.

8. Children who experience any form of abuse in childhood have a 13% greater chance of not graduating from high school.

9. Adult survivors of childhood abuse are more likely to engage in high risk behaviors like smoking, alcohol and drug use, and unsafe sex.

10. Adult survivors of childhood abuse are more likely to experience mental difficulties, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, eating disorder, and substance use disorder.




CHILD ABUSE IS A VICIOUS CYCLE- Most abused children often become abusive parents.